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CYCRᵀᴹ Online

Get Instant Access To My Proven, Proprietary Step-By-Step Roadmap And Resources To Build Your Child's Protocol To Conquer Your Child's Rashesᵀᴹ

CYCRᵀᴹ Online is by far the most effective way for DIY enthusiasts to get real results for their child’s skin


When You Join CYCRᵀᴹ Online You Will:

  • Learn How To Achieve Healthy Skin For Your Child Without Relying On Diet Restrictions And Skin Creams, And Trying Even More "Solutions" That Don't Solve The Problem
  • Know Exactly What Steps You Need To Take To Confidently Get To The Root Cause Of The Problem And Effectively Help Your Child
  • Have A Clear Path To Follow To Take All Of The Stress, Anxiety, And Guesswork Off Your Plate So That You No Longer Have To Play A Guessing Game With Your Child's Skin
  • Get Resources To Build Your Child's Nutrition, Lifestyle, And Supplement (With Dosing) Protocol, And To Help You Get Your Child Off Their Elimination Diet
  • Be In A Safe Place To Ask Questions
  • And So Much More!

By successfully helping thousands of children achieve healthy skin with lasting results, I discovered that there are key steps to take, and when I had my clients follow them, they got these kinds of results. 

I took the same steps and built them into a roadmap. 
Then I took the roadmap and created CYCRᵀᴹ Online around it to get this ground-breaking information out to as many struggling families as possible.


Jennifer Brand, MPH, MS, CNS, LDN Is A Pediatric Clinical Nutritionist Specializing In Chronic Skin Rashes Including Eczema, Hives, Psoriasis, Acne, Infections, And More.


She Is A Top Pediatric Skin Referral Resource, Peer Reviewed Published Author, And Has Been Featured On A Variety Of Podcasts And Interviews. 


I've seen it happen time and time again...The moment someone embraces getting the right expert support and guidance, their child's journey to healthy skin LITERALLY takes off!

"This program stood out to me because it is affordable.

I always hesitate to spend money (it's a concern for us) without a guarantee of a return. Now, I feel like we are on our way to clearing our son's skin, I'm optimistic and hopeful about it, and this program is absolutely worth the investment."

- Nicole W

"Thank you for making this program available, and at such a low price!

Being able to leverage Jennifer's knowledge and expertise has been a game-changer for my son's health journey."

- Shannon

"The program is an affordable way for us to help our son with his skin!

The content has broadened my knowledge. I have focused on food up to this point and now I know we need to support his body in other ways to help his skin. It's a lot of great information and support."

-Kimberly W

"I highly recommend this program. The price I paid was well worth it!"

I have less worry and anxiety, and my child can eat more foods! Since taking this program, I can act with confidence, and I have hope for my child's future."


"This program really helped me expand her diet and mine!"

I went through a great amount of distress while breastfeeding my daughter, eliminating foods and not seeing any changes. I was unsure of how to reintroduce foods and how long to wait for reactions, and the program gave me the confidence I needed to add more foods!

-Allison S

"The most significant change I've made is giving him all types of foods now! 

There isn't much out there to help children and babies, so this program really stood out to me. The best part, no more elimination diets!"

-Ashleigh C

"My daughter can now have all the foods that were restricted before! 

I feel liberated, and I'm so relieved. She now has little to no issues with her skin, and her gut is on the road to recovery."


"Her skin has gotten so much better!

I'm so thankful I took the program! I'm nursing, I was only eating a handful of foods, and my daughter's skin was at its worst. I've gradually added almost all foods back in!"

- Corryn E

"We've seen such huge improvements in her skin

I was at a loss about what to do for my daughter and felt so out of control. She had broken, open sores on the backs of her legs that just would not get better, and now, people are commenting on how good her skin looks!"


"My daughter is finally getting relief, she's not itchy, and her skin is clearing!

I can't even begin to tell you how much time I've spent Googling myself down rabbit holes trying to fix my daughter's skin. Everything I tried made the problem worse. I felt completely helpless, like I was failing my little girl. I am beyond grateful I took this program! Now I have the tools I need."

- Matt

"I wish I had found this program earlier. 

It feels like I’ve been trying to work things out myself for years, and doing something like this is really actually helping me find solutions! Thank you for this program!"


"When I came across this program it gave me hope.

I am so happy to be here [for my grandson]! I know my daughter and son-in-law are feeling so helpless right now. To be honest, I was too. After yesterday's live I feel confident that we have finally found a path to healing. Jennifer is so knowledgeable and caring, for us, truly an answer to prayer!



When your child struggles with their skin GETTING THE HELP YOU NEED IS TIME-SENSITIVE, and with CYCRᵀᴹ Online you can START RIGHT NOW

Thank you, Jennifer, so much for helping us and giving us answers when no one else could!

"Her before picture brings back all the hardships we went through in the beginning. It was such a difficult time for her and us as parents to see her suffering. 

I cannot believe the progress she has made! 

Seeing the before and afters makes me want to cry, happy tears!"

-Katrina U

There Are 5 MISTAKES

That STOP Children From Getting True And Lasting Skin Rash Relief

Using The Wrong Products On Your Child's Skin

Using the wrong products on your child's skin can make their symptoms worse, their skin leakier, and even lead to the development of food allergies. And guess what? Natural isn’t always better.

Relying On Eliminations Diets To Fix Your Child's Skin (And Their Gut)

Food isn't the root cause of the problem, and taking foods out unnecessarily will not fix your child's skin, or their gut, and in fact, will make the problem even worse. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've seen the diet get smaller and smaller and symptoms get worse and worse. This isn't a coincidence, and it's not a sign that you "just haven't found the food trigger yet."

Letting Underlying Inflammation Fester

While inflammation is part of a normal, natural immune response, chronic inflammation is not and is a driver for chronic skin rashes. Mitigating inflammation involves identifying and addressing factors that are overflowing your child's inflammation bucket.


Cleansing (Including Parasites, Candida, Heavy Metals, Etc.), Juicing, Castor Oil Packs, And Using Random Supplements To "Detox" Your Child And Help Their Skin

Detoxification is essential for healthy, clear, itch-free skin. While there may be a time and place for some of these kinds of interventions, they are not the place to start, and they are not based on how your child's body actually detoxes. The majority of what you see online regarding detoxification is not only incorrect, it's not science-based, it's often dangerous, and it's also not geared towards children (making it even more dangerous for them).

Thinking A Direct To Consumer Gut (Stool) Test, Probiotics, Glutamine, And Bone Broth (And Maybe Omega 3s And Zinc) Will Repair Your Child's Gut And Help Their Skin

Gut health is key for skin health but direct to consumer stool testing is useless because it's not a clinical assessment tool, and it's missing critical information needed to identify and address your child's root cause imbalances. Also, supplements like these do not make up an appropriate gut repair protocol, or effectively "heal" your child's gut, and when a gut protocol is implemented incorrectly, it will make your child's skin worse (things really shouldn't get worse before they get better).

There Are 5 STEPS That HELP Children Achieve True And Lasting Skin Rash Relief

The steps are:

Ditch The Itch

With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you'll learn what you should use topically, strategies to manage your child’s debilitating skin symptoms, support the skin barrier to prevent leaky skin and skin infection, and lower the risk for food and environmental allergen sensitization.


With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you'll learn how to expand your child's diet so that their body has the fuel it needs to do everything it's supposed to (grow, develop, function, thrive, and build and repair healthy skin)!


With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you'll learn how to mitigate inflammation, and support and strengthen your child's immune system so that it can combat the oxidative stress that leads to inflammatory responses that are the underlying mechanisms for the development of chronic skin problems.


With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you'll learn how to support your child's detoxification pathways the right way to lower toxin burdens and support healthy skin.


With CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you'll learn what the gut microbiome is and why it matters for your child's skin, what probiotics to try and why you need to avoid others, what testing is key, and what a true gut repair plan should look like.



Your investment is ONLY $147, or TWO INSTALLMENTS OF $80


Get a BEHIND-THE-SCENES PEEK into WHAT WORKS for getting your child a LIFE-CHANGING SKIN TRANSFORMATION. Inside CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you get:

⭐Clear path to follow

By successfully helping thousands of children get to the root cause of the problem and achieve healthy, clear, itch-free skin I discovered that there are key steps to take, and when I had my clients follow them, they got these kinds of results. 

I took the same steps that have effectively helped my most successful clients and built them into a roadmap!

Then I took the roadmap and created CYCRᵀᴹ Online around it to get this ground-breaking information out to as many struggling families as possible.

When you join CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you get instant roadmap access.

By the way, none of the steps involve relying on unnecessary diet restrictions or skin creams to solve the problem.

⭐Advanced training library

There are 5 research-based core modules that walk you through the 5 key steps of my proven and proprietary roadmap and give you the tools you need to address those steps.

You get the information, resources, interventions, recommendations, and research to help you understand in detail the “why” behind everything you'll be doing in the program to help your child, and what you need to do about it.

Within each module and lesson, you have the ability to ask your specific questions for your child.

$3,000 value

⭐Resources to build your child’s nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement (with dosing) protocol

Within each module you get nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that address critical root cause imbalances contributing to your child’s chronic skin problems.

These are the core recommendations I share with my private clients, and the ones that help them get life-changing skin transformations for their children.

$2,500 value

⭐BONUS: Ongoing access

When you enroll in CYCRᵀᴹ Online, you have ongoing access to updates, changes, additions, resources, and more. 

The journey to healthy skin is not an overnight process, or a straight line, and I want you to have access for as long as you need so that your child can get true and lasting results.

Really hard to quantify value because access is ongoing!

⭐BONUS: Ability to upgrade to CYCRᵀᴹ Live

I only run CYCRᵀᴹ Live 1-2 times a year. You'll be among the first to know when it launches. When you join Live, you'll get a credit for the single installment payment you made when you joined Online!

⭐BONUS:  Prioritized onboarding process to become a private client

Looking for more personalized support? I've got you covered! 

As a CYCRᵀᴹ Online participant, your CYCRᵀᴹ Next Level onboarding process will be prioritized. 

I only take on 5 new Next Level clients each month, so getting bumped to the top of the list...



You'll be surprised!


See More Details About What's Inside The CYCRᵀᴹ Online Members Area (Watch This Video)! 


Online is $5,500 + 

Your investment is ONLY $147, or TWO INSTALLMENTS OF $80


  CYCRᵀᴹ Online is a RESULTS DRIVEN program that gives you ACTIONABLE STRATEGIES to implement NOW, 

including resources to BUILD YOUR CHILD'S nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement (with dosing) PROTOCOL

"His skin is improving, and he is also growing and gaining weight!"

Our son was diagnosed with failure to thrive because of his limited diet. We had tried so many elimination diets to help his skin. We expanded his diet based on the information Jennifer shared in the program!

-Jamie C

"Jennifer and this program have been so helpful, and we are seeing improvements in our daughter's skin. 

I absolutely loved this program! I wanted to get to the root cause of the problem, and that's exactly what we've been able to do with this program, and Jennifer's support and guidance. Thank you for making this program available at such a low price!"

- Melissa

"Thank you, Jennifer, for being so so thoughtful about what to specifically use for children.

I can’t stress this enough, we’ve been with functional doctors who supplemented our son like crazy and the protocols that they used made him way worse. Your thoughtfulness and holistic understanding of these little systems are so so important! Thank you thank you!

-Kim A

Frequently Asked Questions About CYCRᵀᴹ

"This program was incredible! I'm so grateful Jennifer made this available for such a reasonable price! 

Especially compared to the thousands of dollars I had spent first, trying to help my daughter's skin, and nothing was helping. I'm in shock about how well my daughter is doing now! Her skin is almost completely clear already, and her constipation is gone. I wish I had found Jennifer and this program sooner. If your child is struggling and you need help, this program is exactly what you need."


"I’m feeling much more empowered. Other practitioners never helped us get to the root cause of the problem, and Jennifer does. 

It's evident that she put in the work to create content that is actionable!  Jennifer is so kind and approachable and makes everyone feel at ease. It's refreshing! She is really making an impact and this type of work is so appreciated because we need it desperately, and no one is really doing it with this level of experience and expertise. So thank you!!"

-Sarah D

"I so appreciate this program and am grateful that I encountered it. I will be using it as a resource and reference point long-term. 

The program truly was helpful for me. I love the healthy reframes on how restrictive diets just aren't the thing. That's a massive myth-buster for me. I really admire Jennifer's knowledge, openness and expertise, and helpful advice! Thank you again for such a fantastic series. I will be using Jennifer as a resource going forward!"

-Molly K




Your investment is ONLY $147, or TWO INSTALLMENTS OF $80